Thursday, September 14, 2017

Flash Dance: Adventures in Lightning Photography

Scott Macyntire, a New York Times Insider was tasked with capturing pictures of multiple lightning strikes outside Miami, Florida. His story is one of patience and timing, waiting for the perfect moment to capture a burst of lightning from one of Florida's brief and many storms. To do this, he shot a series of long exposures, although it didnt work to capture the lightning itself, but did create a great shot of the lit up the sky. Afterwards he spoke with a victim that was hit with lightning while fishing which led to him contemplating these out of the blue events.

Scott's story is a perfect example of storm-scaping, where lights produced by storm processes create great lighting for photos. Lightning is one of the most difficult to photograph because you get very few and brief chances, the brightness varies so selecting the proper exposure requires experience and luck, the slight risk of the activity, and lighting as a point source requires great camera optical quality.

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